Saturday, June 28, 2008

She's Back!

They got to go repelling. Too Cool!

Can you find anything brighter in the forest?

Good Morning! Or was that afternoon?

Just hanging out at the Gila. I am told that just down the river here is the best pee spot ever. hmm?

Vicki & Audri

The Gangs all here!

We just picked Audriana up. She is home from Girl's Camp. She said she had the best time ever. I guess all that jogging in the evening paid off, She said it was a breeze. She said she learned a lot about hiking and getting along with out a mirror and lip gloss. She didn't as many photos as I would have liked but oh well, here they are.


Tamye said...

Geeze did the circus have a runaway? That is too funny... I am so glad she is home and she had an awesome time! Can't wait to here all the juicy details!