Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day at the Lake with our Friends!

Swimming with the fish!

April taking a stroll down the beach

John was working in Tor C and came around noon to join in the fun.

Oops, where did the boat go? The boat kept loosing air and then the kids would sink while they were trying to get back to shore. It was super funny watching them trying to paddle back.

Who knew the lake would be this FUN!

Courtney & Gabbi soaking up the S-U-N

Audriana's great idea. We couldn't figure out how the darn thing went together (hence no instructions in the bag) So Audri suggested we tie it between the cars. It worked out well I think.

The Boat!

April and I took the kids and some of their friends to the Lake yesterday. We had a blast just hanging out and getting burned; some of us more then others.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rain, Rain go away!

It has been raining here for the last 6 days off and on; when it comes down it comes hard and fast. We have so much water all I need is some sand and I could have my own beach. The kids are loving it. I personally would rather just have the heat with out the humidity. The forecast says we still have a few more days. Great!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nonny is under the weather

Jenna is not feeling well today. She has been barfing all day today. It is so sad; she said that it was not very fun to be sick on a day off, only when you miss school. And here I thought that she loved school.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

The Kiddie Kats.

While I was backing the trailer I broke something important. OOPS!

Morning attitude! (it did get better)

John and his kitchen.

Devin making breakfast. We just loved his runny eggs.

Our camp site.

This was all the fun there was, taking photos of yourself.

We went camping on the 4th in Cloudcroft, NM. It was so HOT! I came back burned to a crisp. I had a real desire for it to be a nice relaxing weekend and it turned out to be stressful with my children board to death. We should have gone to the Gila's where the weather would be nice, and a lake to fish in, Kidd's entertained, and me left to relax. Instead we decided to stay in the campsite appropriately named "Grand central station" by yours truly. A nice cozy campsite right off the highway, with a big sign that said "public rest stop" inviting just about every one to pull in and turn right back out. Even though we could here every car pass by all day and all night, and it was extremely hot, and insanely boring. We still had a great time... I think. ;)