Monday, March 2, 2009

Count Down

John is off to see his family soon and it is killing me. I know he needs to go see them but I still don't have to like it. Right? I told him he should just fly there give his mom a great big kiss and hug and then turn around and come home. That way he would only be gone for 3 days. But no he thinks he needs to see his dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, aunts blah, blah, blua ..... what ever. Do I sound bitter? I know I need to just get over it, he did pay $1,400 for his ticket to go and it is non refundable....., but still I will be so sad while he is gone. I told him next time we are going with him, so to start saving.


Tamye said...

I can't stand the fact that you never Blog!!!!
Hopefully John will come back Tomorrow with something Blog worthy! ;)