Thursday, August 21, 2008

Keeping her in your Prayers

It has been awhile that I have posted anything because I have had so much going on. But I just had to take a minute and share with you a thought. This last Saturday I had a dear friend or at least in my mind she is my friend. John says I need to have my head checked, he is probably right. I guess I should start by telling you that my friend is a woman from Mesa, AZ who has a blog that Tamye (my sister) and I found that we just love reading. She is 27 years old and has 4 small children and a wonderful husband that adorers her, as we do. She is the best little mother and wife that she has left an impression on me. She is a stay at home mom but is always on the go. She is just amazing and has been an inspiration to me. Tamye and some of her friends in Mesa have even created an evening once a month they named after her (NieNie Night) where they do something that she would do for her self or for her family. I’m telling you she is amazing. I wish I could be part of it.

Anyway NeiNie, (Stephanie Nielson) her husband and a friend were in a serious small plane crash this last weekend and the friend did not make it. Nei and her husband are currently in a burn unit and in serious condition. Nei has 80% burns and her husband 30% with other injuries. I have spent the last few days just with this little family on my mind. It is so strange that I feel this way about a woman that I have never met. But if you get a chance check out her blog and get to know her and you to will feel the pain of this sweet family. I hope with all of the many prayers that are being said for them they will have a quick recovery. And her children will have their Mommy back home and safe. Thanks for taking the time to here me vent. I just had to share.

I have Nei’s blog link to the right of the screen you can’t miss it. I hope you have as much fun as I have reading her thoughts.


Noreena said...

I read your blog and my prayers will be with the family as they go through this traumatic time.