Friday, October 31, 2008

Went all out!

John went all out this year, it was so sad when he only had 8 trick or treaters. Well he said that was also counting the two adults that came with the kids. I guess that is one of the disadvantages of living in such a remote area.

This is what Senor DaSilva was during the day.

And a Knight at Night. (ha ha)

Jenna was a little upset on the quantity of candy she got. We went to do the Mall thing this year and was very disappointed. Next year we are going to hit the Hurst's neighborhood Devin went over there with Sara and Madison and they made a killing.

Ward fall party

Last night was our ward fall party. We had a great turn out with the ward members. The kids had tons of fun getting ready for the party. See if you can guess who is who and or what the who has gone as. Check later for new updates on the Halloween festivities. John has gone all out for his favorite Holiday.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Taking care of business!

Tamye and I took a trip to Wyoming to check out all of the places that we would like to have our family reunion this coming summer. It was lots of fun with it being fall, seeing that we don't get to wear our coats to often here in the south.

We took a trip out to the farm.

Stopped at our favorite Maverik for a diet coke. (everyday)

While driving in our RIDE!
Yeah! it was a little much I know, we turn a lot of heads in Lovell, being that there are not many H3's that are yellow in a town of about 2,500 people.

We got to bring our little Stering with us. He was so cute we have to over look the fact that he is 2 and has way more energy that us. The plane ride was a real treat for Tamye.

Hanging out!

Stopped at the Lockheart ranch in Dryhead. We are going to spend part of our reunion here.
Tons of history here with the family.

The Ranch

Stopped by to see Mom and put some new flowers.
We got to spend a lot of time with our Aunt Polly (mom's sister) and eat all of her great cooking. We stopped in Cody and did some shopping and visiting family. It was nice to be home. I can't hardly wait until July for the reunion with the rest of the family.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Knights of the Round Table was a huge success and everyone had fun. Check out our blog to see more photos of the kids and decorations. It was a lot of work but worth every minute just to see the looks on the faces of the teenagers when they saw the trouble we went to just for them. Our 12 foot knight was a real sight to see (he was so cool)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New project

I have started a new project, one I thought would be relaxing but have now found that it is NOT. It started out as a Christmas gift for Tamye ( a lap blanket)but I am now thinking that she may only get two really pretty throw pillows. I will keep trying but I just don't think I am cut out for this type of crafting. It is truly a skill I need help with. If it ever gets completed I will be sure to post the final project. ........... Audriana just called me a quitter, so I guess I will try harder. (BRAT!)